Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Calvary Chapel Cambridge

I have spoken to many of you about the sweet little Calvary that has been started here by Joey and Tiffany Rosek, a couple from the US. Joey is from Southern California, and hails from Costa Mesa, so its nice to have a bible teacher from a place I am so familiar with. :) He is a dynamic and passionate teacher of the Word, and also is a really gifted pastor in caring for all of us in the fellowship. He called me the other day just to read me some Scripture and encourage me, I appreciate him and Tiffany so much! These photos are of the "bring and share" (potluck) lunch we have every first Sunday of the month. There are about half Americans from the local military bases and universities and half British or other nationalities. It's a lovely group of kids, students, singles, couples, parents, and older wise people. Christ's church is so precious all over the world!

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